Sport, at its best, provides an equal playing ground for human achievement.
Yet, in many places this cannot be achieved for the simple reason of funding, both for the training facility and the training itself.
“A permanent gymnastics facility for all children no matter their background.” That is the goal of the DRGF. Simple in its idea, yet it requires an intense ambition and dedication on the part of the DRGF to achieve. It also requires support by those with similar ideals - a love for sport, and a desire to see equality and fairness for all. Together we can create a place for children to grow their potential as both an athlete and a well-rounded, healthy human being.
Building a Dream: Brick by Brick, Child by Child

About Us
Dongina Risser is passionate about gymnastics and has spent most of her adult life coaching and judging gymnastics on all levels, she started out teaching her own kids and carries on now with the grandchildren. The enthusiasm for gymnastics in Swakopmund has always been there, but proper equipment and adequate space have never been available. Dongina is about ready to retire from coaching, but before she goes, she wants to leave a lasting contribution to the sport she loves and provide future generations, of all economic backgrounds, with the best training facility in the country.
With this lofty goal in mind, Dongina pulled together friends and family who have the same passion for gymnastics and who would also like to make a difference in a meaningful and lasting way to create the Dongina Risser Gymnastics Foundation. Final paperwork to set up the Foundation as a trust was signed in early August 2010.
Our Goals
1. To promote gymnastics and its benefits by raising the funds necessary to do so and spending those funds raised to achieve the goals and objectives of the foundation.
2. To provide ongoing support for development, improvement and support of gymnastics training mainly along the Namibian coast, but also countrywide, when possible.
3. To provide funding and support for underprivileged children.
4. To establish and maintain links to national and international gymnastics and sports related bodies pursuing similar goals and objectives of the trust.

Our Projects
It Starts With the Will to Make a Difference

Talented Gymnast Assistance
This future program will offer a financial assistance stream to talented gymnasts of any background. Unlike the Adopt-a-Gymnast program which focuses on the underprivileged child, whether talented or not, this program will target those children who show enormous potential to go far in representing Namibia on the highest levels.
Our Friends
Donagena Jones
Since 2010
Bart Conner Gymnastics Academy
Since 2010
Brigitte Jurgenowski
Since 2012
Harald Mezger
Since 2015
Family Buchnitzki
Since 2017
Mirela Jurisic
Since 2018
Bernd Jäger
Since 2019
Abenteuer Afrika Safari
Since 2010
Five Star Sports Academy
Since 2010
Horst & Hanna Stork
Since 2012
Traveling Tutus
Since 2014
Norbert & Gabi Grammel
Since 2018
Sascha Woltering
Since 2018
Lisa Engels
Since 2019
Britta Laws
Since 2010
Mitra Herwani-Wittmann
Since 2011
Family Weatherly
Since 2012
Family Stamberger
Since 2017
Family Bachofner
Since 2018
Jurgen & Ute Rubenbauer
Since 2019
Gästefarm Afrika
Katrin & Hans-Werner Behrens
Since 2020
Ondjamba Safaris Namibia cc
Since 2010
Indigo Gymnastics Center
Since 2011
Margret Moenig-Raane
Since 2013
Anne Laue
Since 2017
Jochen Brosche
Since 2018
Kimberly McCain
Since 2019

Contact Us
P.O. Box 1166, Swakopmund, 13001, Namibia
WhatsApp: +264 81 124 9177 (Dongina)
WhatsApp: +264 81 128 4373 (Dione)